lørdag den 5. april 2014

The candid personality of children

Here is the story of photographer Emily Kornya for you. 

Since I was a very young child I had always been intrigue by images, whether that be photography or art, I was always fascinating in trying to discover the story each photo told. 

The feeling has stuck with me and as I got older I started to become very interested in photography as it just such a realistic and personal (as the people you capture are all unique individuals) art form. 

Since I was 12 I had dreams of one day becoming a children's fashion photographer (I have always loved to work with kids, and love their imaginative and genuine nature) and at age 17 I took a photography course while traveling through 10 cities in Europe. On this trip I felt such a thrill and happiness from capturing the moments of people's lives/stories I decided that I wanted definitely pursue this. 

What is most important to me for my own photography is capturing a persons true personality. I like to shoot very candidly and watch how the models interact with each other and see the stories and bonds they have created. Its pretty magical to see this and how much happiness the kids are experiencing. 

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